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Read about CREATIC in press or listen to Interviews with our experts. 

  • 03/24 Vědavý about the support for Czech projects under the priority Widening

    The Vědavý portal has a long history of covering current events in the field of research, development and innovation. In this extensive article they focus on how the Czech Republic benefits from the Widening mechanism of the Horizon Europe Programme. Therefore, mention of CREATIC as the Czech representative of the Teaming for Excellence project must not be missing in the article. 


  • 03/24 Deputy Minister of Health about CREATIC at the Symposium of Zdravotnický deník

    Zdravotnický deník organized a symposium entitled Gene and Cell Therapies - Financing and Care Management. Jakub Dvořáček, Deputy Minister of Health of the Czech Republic, also took part in the symposium and said, among other things, "The way forward in gene and other individualized therapies for smaller countries like the Czech Republic may be what Masaryk University in Brno is currently trying to do in cooperation with major world institutions in the CREATIC project... This is not entirely illusory, such research and production could be second only to the big pharmaceutical industry."

    Read more about the Sympozium in the Article of Zdravotnický deník. 

  • 02/24 CREATIC in the Czech TV magazine Fokus of Václav Moravec

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    What are the limits of medicine? What does the personalised medicine mean? How does the future of treatmend look like?

    These are just some of the questions, that the 86th episode of the monthly Czech TV magazine Fokus VM attempted to answer. On the 20 February, two-hour discussion programme divided into three plus one thematic blocks was broadcast live from the library of the Masaryk University campus. You can watch the whole episode here.

    The topics of CREATIC were represented by Professor Jaroslav Štěrba, the Head of the Department of Paediatric Oncology, and Associate Professor Lenka Zdražilová Dubská, the Head of our ACIU laboratories. They discussed the barriers to access to the treatment for rare disease patients, the challenges of development, and the specificities of personalised medicine and advanced therapies.

  • 02/24 Article about rare diseases and Fair medicine in

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    On the occasion of the Rare disease day, the portal published an article on the issue of access to treatment for patients with rare disease. You can read it here

    In the article, the director of Creatic Regina Demlová presented the main areas of research that our centre will focus on and Jiří Samek spoke about out Fair medicine principles.

  • 01/24 Interview with the Director of CREATIC in the Czech Radio Brno

    The Centre of Excellence CREATIC was established on the 1 January 2024. On this occasion, our Director Regina Demlová was a guest on the Day in Moravia Programme on the Czech Radio Brno.

    Listen to it here and learn, how the development of advanced therapeutics takes place, what makes the process of development of ATMPs specific and why their production in non-commercial research centres can help to make expensive treatments available to patients with rare diseases.

  • 09/23 Reports in media from the Kick off event of the project CREATIC

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    The CREATIC KICK OFF project event received great media coverage. The reportage from the press conference, which was attended by the Rector of Masaryk University Martin Bareš, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University Martin Repko, the Principal Investigator of the project Regina Demlová and the Director of the regional branch of the General health insurance company Petra Pevná, was carried by leading domestic media.

    You can find the most important of them on these links:

    ČT Brno, ČT 24, Český rozhlas, Seznamzprávy, MF Dnes, Deník, Metro, Právo, Brňan, iBrno, ScienceMag, VědaVýzkum


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